Legacy modernization
Small businesses

Modernizing legacy applications: Empowering small and medium businesses

May 14, 2024
Modernizing legacy applications: Empowering small and medium businessesModernizing legacy applications: Empowering small and medium businesses

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) often find themselves at a disadvantage compared to larger corporations when it comes to embracing new technology. Limited resources make it difficult for SMBs to invest in the latest equipment or hire skilled employees, posing a significant challenge to their digital transformation journey, especially in adopting cloud technology.

How outdated technologies hold SMBs back

Rapid growth and development are vital for SMBs to outshine their competitors and establish market leadership. Rapid growth enables SMBs to capitalize on new opportunities, expand their customer base, and gain market share at a faster pace than their competitors. It also allows them to build brand recognition, gain momentum, and solidify their position in the market.  

The right software plays a crucial role in accelerating the achievement of business milestones. Whether it's customer relationship management (CRM) software for better engagement, project management tools for streamlined workflows, or analytics platforms for data-driven decision-making, the right software empowers businesses to operate more efficiently and improve productivity. Therefore, legacy software has no place in this scenario. 

Legacy applications lack the scalability, functionality, and flexibility of their modern counterparts. They are also more expensive to run, update, and maintain, as vendor support is often unavailable. In addition to the operational costs, SMBs with legacy apps face opportunity costs by not being as efficient and responsive to customer needs as their competitors. And when applications become a barrier to growth and success, they need to be modernized.

The issue many SMBs have is that they don’t have the ability to carry out app modernization projects by themselves. Working with third-party experts such as IT consulting partners can help businesses modernize their apps faster.

Small businesses navigating the cloud application migration obstacles 

The nature of small business IT can make it difficult to move applications to the cloud. 

Challenge 1

First, many smaller organizations rely on applications developed in-house, intended to work within their existing infrastructure, often on-premises data centers. These legacy applications are not designed to fit within a cloud environment, hindering their migration. 

Challenge 2

The other roadblock that internal development can present is that these applications were designed to perform specific processes or serve specific functions. This can sometimes lead to platforms that are inflexible and difficult to scale, which then limits the benefits of having those systems in the cloud. 

Challenge 3

A third challenge for small businesses is staffing. Many smaller organizations don’t have the resources to be able to successfully migrate these applications to the cloud. Small IT teams may lack expertise in cloud technology, and migration can be a daunting task, particularly for critical applications, as SMBs are less resilient to downtime.

To overcome these challenges, SMBs can benefit from expert assistance in migrating applications to the cloud. Third-party experts such as TYMIQ offer specialized services to help SMBs navigate the complexities of cloud migration. With tailored solutions and expert guidance, TYMIQ ensures a smooth transition to the cloud, enabling SMBs to leverage the benefits of cloud technology, such as scalability, flexibility, and cost savings. By partnering with TYMIQ, SMBs can accelerate their digital transformation journey.

Hire TYMIQ's dedicated developers for comprehensive legacy application modernization.
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Legacy application modernization approaches: which and when to use 

The reengineering process is complex and requires a thorough understanding of workflows, business objectives, and constraints. Analyzing existing infrastructure helps identify risks and opportunities, enabling the selection of suitable reengineering approaches. 

The most effective approach to software modernization depends on various factors, including industry, workflows, and technology stack. Six proven modernization strategies cater to specific business needs and challenges:

  • Replatforming: Migrating apps to a new platform with optimizations to prepare for a new environment.
  • Rehosting: Moving apps to another environment without changing the codebase to ensure minimal downtime.
  • Refactoring: Making code changes to improve structure, readability, and maintainability.
  • Rearchitecting: Changing the app's architecture to address scalability, performance, or other critical issues.
  • Rebuilding: Redesigning apps from scratch to leverage modern development tools and practices.
  • Replacing: Adopting new software or custom-built solutions to meet business requirements, ensuring zero downtime.
Empowering small and medium businesses - Software modernization approaches

Software reengineering stands out as an impactful strategy, combining refactoring, rearchitecting, and rebuilding techniques to optimize existing systems.

Struggling with legacy software modernization? Explore TYMIQ’s comprehensive services tailored for your business.
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Challenges of legacy modernization addressed by TYMIQ

TYMIQ tackles common challenges in software modernization for SMBs, such as poor scalability and performance, outdated technology, legacy system maintenance, security issues, and changing business demands. By offering tailored solutions and dedicated development teams, TYMIQ helps SMBs overcome these obstacles and thrive in the digital era.

Here are some of the key challenges addressed by TYMIQ:

  • Poor scalability and performance

TYMIQ helps SMBs overcome scalability and performance issues by modernizing their legacy applications and optimizing them for the cloud. By redesigning architectures and leveraging cloud-native features, TYMIQ ensures that applications can handle increasing workloads efficiently.

  • Outdated technology

TYMIQ assists SMBs in migrating from outdated technology to modern solutions that offer better functionality and performance. By leveraging the latest technologies and development practices, TYMIQ helps SMBs stay competitive in today's fast-paced business environment.

  • Legacy system maintenance

TYMIQ provides expertise in maintaining and supporting legacy systems, reducing the burden on SMBs' IT teams. By offering proactive maintenance and support services, TYMIQ ensures that legacy systems remain secure, reliable, and efficient.

  • Security issues

TYMIQ addresses security concerns by implementing robust security measures and best practices in software development. By conducting thorough security assessments and implementing industry-standard security controls, TYMIQ helps SMBs protect their applications and data from cyber threats.

  • Changing business demands

TYMIQ helps SMBs adapt to changing business demands by providing flexible and scalable solutions. By offering modular architectures and agile development processes, TYMIQ ensures that SMBs can quickly respond to market changes and customer needs.

Why we should be considered for digital transformation of small and medium businesses? 

When it comes to modernizing legacy software, small and medium-sized companies face unique challenges. Limited resources, complex systems, and tight budgets often make the process daunting. That's where we come in. Here's why small and medium companies should consider us for their software modernization needs:

  • Expertise in complicated cases

We specialize in taking over complicated cases. Whether you're dealing with outdated technology, convoluted systems, or intricate business processes, our team has the expertise to tackle even the most challenging projects.

  • Affordable pricing and MVP approach

We understand the budget constraints of small and medium businesses. That's why we offer affordable pricing and follow a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) approach, allowing you to start small and scale up as needed.

  • Passive investment in time and resources

As a small company ourselves, we understand the value of passive investment. That's why we're willing to invest our time and resources into your project, ensuring its success without placing additional burdens on your team.

  • Individualized approach

We believe in providing personalized solutions to our clients, regardless of their size. From initial consultation to project delivery, we take the time to understand your unique needs and tailor our approach accordingly.

  • Proven results

With years of experience in software delivery, we have a track record of successful projects under our belt. Our team is committed to delivering results that exceed your expectations, on time and within budget.

  • Risk reduction

We understand the risks involved in software modernization projects. That's why we take a comprehensive approach to risk management, covering multiple areas to ensure a smooth and successful transition.

  • Trustworthy partnerships

We prioritize building strong connections with our clients’ teams. Our focus is on establishing long-lasting relationships built on trust, honesty, and mutual understanding. This partnership form ensures successful outcomes for all involved.

  • Agile development process

TYMIQ acknowledges the unique decision-making process in SMBs and has tailored its agile development process to align with their organizational structure seamlessly. With a dedicated team of 2-4 experts, TYMIQ ensures personalized attention and swift decision-making, directly impacting the bottom line of SMBs.

  • Transparency and open communication

TYMIQ fosters a culture of open communication, allowing SMBs to voice their concerns and feedback at every stage of the project. By creating comfortable working conditions, TYMIQ ensures that SMBs can focus on their core business activities without worrying about potential problems.

Elevate your business with TYMIQ's assistance in software modernization.

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