
Migration from Delphi to .NET with TYMIQ: The reasons and process

July 4, 2024
Migration from Delphi to .NET with TYMIQ: The reasons and processMigration from Delphi to .NET with TYMIQ: The reasons and process

Migrating from Delphi to .NET is a significant decision for many organizations, especially those with complex and sophisticated Delphi-based applications. Often serving as complete ERP systems, these applications benefit from extensive UI tools and plugins tailored for the Windows environment. However, as the industry shifts towards web-based business applications, Delphi struggles to keep up, prompting the need for modernization.

At TYMIQ, we understand that each migration must be meticulously planned with a clear roadmap and purpose. It's not just about transitioning from one technology to another; it's about ensuring the migration brings tangible benefits and addresses the evolving needs of your business. 

In this blog post, we will explore the reasons behind migrating from Delphi to .NET, the benefits of making the switch, and the detailed process TYMIQ follows to ensure a smooth and successful migration. Whether you're looking to improve performance, enhance scalability, or address a shortage of technology experts, understanding the intricacies of this migration is crucial. Join us as we delve into the strategic approach required for a successful transition from Delphi to .NET.

When to consider migrating from Delphi to .NET?

If you’re experiencing any of the issues below, migrating from Delphi to .NET could provide significant benefits and ensure your application remains competitive and efficient in the long term.

Modernization needs

Legacy Delphi applications may struggle to keep up with modern software requirements and user expectations.

.NET provides a modern development environment, offering up-to-date features, improved user interfaces, and compatibility with the latest technologies.

Scalability and performance

Your current Delphi application is facing performance bottlenecks and scalability issues.

.NET’s optimized runtime environment and modular structure enhance performance and scalability through efficient resource management.

Cross-platform compatibility

The need for your application to run on multiple platforms (Windows, macOS, Linux).

.NET Core supports cross-platform development, allowing applications to run seamlessly on various operating systems with a single codebase.

Security and support

Concerns about the ongoing security and support for legacy Delphi systems.

.NET benefits from continuous updates and robust security features, ensuring your application remains secure and compliant with current standards.

Integration and interoperability

Difficulty integrating your Delphi application with modern systems and third-party services.

.NET offers extensive integration capabilities and supports interoperability with a wide range of services and technologies.

Developer availability

Delphi is considered an older technology compared to more modern languages. This has resulted in fewer new developers choosing to learn and specialize in Delphi.

.NET has a larger and more active developer community, making it easier to find and hire skilled developers for ongoing development and maintenance.

Long-term viability

Concerns about the long-term viability and support for Delphi as a development platform.

Migrating to .NET ensures your application is built on a platform with a strong future roadmap and long-term support from Microsoft.

Cost efficiency

High maintenance costs for legacy Delphi systems.

.NET can reduce maintenance costs through improved development tools, a more extensive library ecosystem, and better support resources.

Simplify your transition: Schedule a call with our modernization experts to evaluate your current system and receive a customized cost estimate for migrating from Delphi to .NET.
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When it is better to maintain a Delphi application rather than migrate it to .NET

Maintaining a Delphi application is often wiser than migrating to .NET. Here are several scenarios where keeping your Delphi system is recommended:

Stable and sufficient current system

If your existing Delphi application is stable, meets all current business needs, and performs efficiently without any significant issues, it is often better to maintain the current system. Migration could introduce unnecessary risks and costs, especially when the existing system is already serving its purpose well.

Limited budget

Budget constraints can significantly influence the decision to migrate. Migration from Delphi to .NET involves costs associated with development, testing, and potential downtime. If your budget cannot accommodate these expenses, maintaining the Delphi application may be the more prudent choice. The costs of migration might outweigh the benefits in such scenarios.

Short-term project

For projects or applications with a short lifespan or those expected to be phased out soon, migration might not provide a good return on investment. Investing in migration for a short-term project does not make financial sense, as the benefits of migration may not be realized within the project's limited timeframe.

Available Delphi developers for support and maintenance 

If you have access to skilled Delphi developers who can provide ongoing support and maintenance, it can be more advantageous to keep your Delphi application. Experienced Delphi developers can help ensure the application continues to run smoothly, handle any issues that arise, and implement necessary updates.

Migration from Delphi to .NET with TYMIQ - Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021:
Source: Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021

Lack of in-house .NET expertise

Successful migration requires skilled .NET developers. If your team lacks experience and expertise in .NET, and acquiring such skills is not feasible in the short term, it is advisable to maintain the existing Delphi application. Without skilled developers, the migration process could lead to significant issues and delays.

Hire skilled .NET developers with Delphi expertise from TYMIQ
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Complex dependencies

Delphi applications with complex dependencies or integrations with other legacy systems can be challenging to migrate. If your application has such dependencies, migrating to .NET could disrupt other systems and processes, leading to potential operational challenges. Maintaining the Delphi application might be a better option in these cases.

Specialized features

If your Delphi application uses specialized features or components that are not easily replicated or available in .NET, maintaining the existing system is often the better choice. Certain Delphi-specific functionalities might not have direct equivalents in .NET, making the migration complex and possibly resulting in a loss of functionality.

Regulatory compliance

Applications that must adhere to strict regulatory requirements might face additional risks and costs during the migration process to ensure that the new .NET application meets all regulatory standards. If regulatory compliance is a significant factor, maintaining the existing Delphi application may be the safer route.

Minimal performance gains

If the expected performance gains from migrating to .NET are minimal or negligible, the migration effort might not be justified. When performance improvement is one of the primary goals and .NET does not offer significant advantages, it is better to continue with the Delphi application.

User resistance

Strong resistance from users or stakeholders who prefer the current Delphi system can impact the success of a migration project. User acceptance is critical for successful migration. If key stakeholders are opposed, it could hinder the smooth transition and overall success of the project. In such cases, maintaining the existing system may be more beneficial.

No clear return on investment (ROI)

If the return on investment (ROI) cannot be clearly calculated or justified, it is better to maintain the existing Delphi application. High risks without a clear ROI make migration an unjustifiable decision. In such cases, the uncertainty of benefits does not warrant the time, effort, and cost involved in migrating to .NET.

Risk assessment

If the risks associated with migration are too high or the return on investment (ROI) cannot be clearly calculated, maintaining the existing Delphi application is the advisable course of action. High risks without a clear ROI make migration an unjustifiable decision.

Steps to migrate from Delphi to .NET

Migrating from Delphi to .NET is a comprehensive process that involves several critical steps to ensure a smooth transition and successful implementation. Here is a high-level overview of the migration process we undertake at TYMIQ:

Migration from Delphi to .NET with TYMIQ- Steps to migrate from Delphi to .NET

In parallel to planning and executing the migration, we provide support and bug fixing for the current Delphi application. This ensures business processes continue running smoothly during modernization.

Step 1

Assessment and planning

The first step is assessment and planning. We analyze the existing Delphi application to understand its architecture, dependencies, and functionalities. Clear objectives for the migration are established, such as improving performance, scalability, or modernization. We also identify the team members, tools, and budget required for the migration.

Step 2

Requirement analysis

Next is the requirement analysis phase, where we document all the functional and non-functional requirements of the current application. This step helps in identifying any gaps between the existing system and the target .NET system, ensuring that nothing is overlooked during the migration process.

Step 3

Creation of a new architecture 

The architecture design phase follows, where we create a blueprint for the new system architecture in .NET. This blueprint considers best practices and future scalability. Additionally, we select the appropriate .NET frameworks, libraries, and tools for development.

Step 4

Code analysis and conversion

The core of the migration process is the code analysis and conversion. We use automated tools to translate Delphi code to C# or another .NET language where possible. However, for complex or unsupported code, manual refactoring and rewriting are necessary to fit the .NET framework.

Step 5

Data migration

Data migration is another crucial step. We map the existing database schema to the new database structure if changes are necessary. Data migration tools or scripts are used to transfer data from the old system to the new one, ensuring data integrity and consistency.

Step 6

Rebuilding the user interface

Rebuilding the user interface is also a significant part of the migration. The user interface is redesigned to align with modern UX/UI standards and the capabilities of the .NET platform. This step involves rebuilding the user interface components using .NET technologies such as WPF, WinForms, or ASP.NET.

Step 7

Integration and testing

Integration and testing are essential to ensure the new system functions correctly. We reintegrate all necessary third-party services, APIs, and external systems with the new .NET application. Thorough testing, including unit tests, integration tests, and user acceptance tests (UAT), is conducted to validate the application.

Step 8


Deployment involves setting up the necessary infrastructure for deploying the .NET application, such as servers or cloud services. Once the deployment environment is prepared, the application is deployed to the production environment, and final tests are conducted.

Step 9

Training and documentation

Training and documentation are also important. We provide users with training sessions to familiarize them with the new system. Comprehensive documentation, including user guides, technical manuals, and maintenance procedures, is created to support the new application.

Step 10

Post-migration support

Finally, we provide post-migration support to ensure the application remains up-to-date and secure. Continuous monitoring of the application's performance helps in identifying and resolving any issues. Ongoing maintenance ensures the application operates efficiently.

By following these detailed steps, the migration from Delphi to .NET can be approached systematically, ensuring that the new system meets business needs and operates smoothly.

Rely on TYMIQ's developers for the migration from Delphi to .NET.
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Why migrate from Delphi to .NET with TYMIQ?

At TYMIQ, our developers are highly skilled in both Delphi and .NET technologies. This dual expertise allows us to understand the intricacies of your current Delphi system while effectively implementing the advanced capabilities of .NET.

As a trusted partner, TYMIQ fosters inclusive collaboration. We offer .NET dedicated developers to seamlessly integrate into your team, promoting transparency, trust, and effective communication to achieve shared objectives. Our credibility ensures a smooth and cooperative working relationship, essential for a successful migration.

By partnering with TYMIQ for your Delphi to .NET migration, you gain a team that is not only technically proficient but also deeply committed to your success. Our comprehensive approach ensures that the migration process is smooth, efficient, and aligned with your business goals. 

Choose TYMIQ to ensure your migration project is handled with the expertise and dedication it deserves.

Migrate from Delphi to .NET with TYMIQ

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