
AngularJS to Angular migration guide

August 1, 2024
AngularJS to Angular migration guideAngularJS to Angular migration guide

AngularJS, known for its MVC architecture and use of JavaScript, was a pioneering framework for building web applications. However, as web development has progressed, the tools we use have also improved. Angular, with its component-based architecture, TypeScript foundation, superior performance, mobile support, advanced dependency injection system, and modular approach, has become a more robust and scalable solution for modern web development.

While AngularJS was instrumental in shaping early web applications, Angular is now the recommended choice for new projects due to its advanced features and better alignment with contemporary web development practices. This transition highlights the need for migrating from AngularJS to Angular, enabling developers to leverage the benefits of a more modern, efficient, and maintainable framework.

In our blog post, we explore the comprehensive process of migrating from AngularJS to Angular, providing you with essential considerations and a step-by-step guide to help you take full advantage of Angular's enhanced capabilities.

Angular JS vs. Angular: the key differences?

AngularJS and Angular, while sharing a common background, have significant differences in their architecture, language, performance, mobile support, dependency injection, and modularity. 

The following table provides a concise overview of the key distinctions between AngularJS and Angular. Below the table, you'll find a more detailed explanation of each item.


MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture

Component-based architecture


Written in JavaScript

Written in TypeScript


Uses two-way data binding

Employs a more efficient change detection mechanism with unidirectional data flow and one-way data binding

Mobile support

Primarily designed for desktop applications, with limited mobile support

Built with mobile support in mind

Dependency injection

Has a simpler, less flexible dependency injection system

Features a more advanced and modular dependency injection system


Uses a monolithic approach

Embraces modular development with NgModules


AngularJS follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, where the application is divided into three interconnected components. The view is responsible for the presentation layer, rendering data to the user. The model manages the application data and business logic, while the controller acts as a bridge between the view and the model, processing user input and updating the view accordingly. This separation helps in organizing the code but can become cumbersome for large-scale applications.

Angular: In contrast, Angular adopts a component-based architecture. Components are self-contained units that encapsulate the view, data, and logic, making them reusable and easier to manage. Each component in Angular can be thought of as a mini-MVC structure, promoting better code organization and maintainability. This modularity makes Angular a powerful choice for developing complex and scalable web applications.


AngularJS: AngularJS is written in JavaScript, a dynamic, weakly typed language. While JavaScript's flexibility is an advantage, it can also lead to issues such as runtime errors and less predictable code behavior.

Angular: Angular, on the other hand, is written in TypeScript, a statically typed superset of JavaScript. TypeScript introduces static types, which help catch errors at compile time rather than at runtime. It also offers advanced features such as interfaces, enums, and generics, improving code quality and developer productivity. The use of TypeScript in Angular leads to more robust and maintainable codebases.


AngularJS: AngularJS employs two-way data binding, which automatically synchronizes the data between the model and the view. While this feature simplifies the development process, it can lead to performance issues in larger applications due to frequent updates and DOM manipulations.

Angular: Angular addresses this problem with a more efficient change detection mechanism that uses unidirectional data flow and one-way data binding. This approach significantly reduces the number of updates required, enhancing the overall performance of the application. Angular's use of Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation further boosts performance by converting Angular HTML and TypeScript code into efficient JavaScript code before the browser loads it.

Mobile support

AngularJS: AngularJS was primarily designed for desktop applications, offering limited support for mobile development. This limitation can be a drawback in today's mobile-first world.

Angular: Angular, however, was built with mobile support in mind. It provides better performance and features specifically geared towards developing mobile-first applications. Angular's modular architecture, combined with its efficient rendering and change detection, makes it an excellent choice for creating responsive and performant mobile applications.

Dependency injection

AngularJS: AngularJS has a simpler, less flexible dependency injection (DI) system, which can sometimes lead to challenges in managing dependencies in larger applications.

Angular: Angular features a more advanced and modular DI system, allowing for better organization and reuse of services and components. This DI system is one of Angular's core strengths, enabling developers to write more testable and maintainable code. Angular's hierarchical injector system provides improved dependency management, making it easier to inject services into components and other services.


AngularJS: AngularJS uses a monolithic approach, where the entire application is typically bundled together. This approach can lead to issues in managing large codebases, as the application grows in size and complexity.

Angular: Angular embraces modular development with NgModules. NgModules allow developers to split the application into cohesive, functional units that can be developed and tested independently. This modularity supports lazy loading, which means that certain parts of the application can be loaded on demand, reducing the initial load time and improving performance.

When to consider the AngularJS to Angular migration?

Migrating from AngularJS to Angular can significantly benefit both your technology stack and business operations. Here are some scenarios where making this transition is particularly advantageous:

1. Pursuing long-term technological and business benefits
  • Addressing the phase-out of AngularJS in 2021: With the support for AngularJS ending, switching to Angular is essential. Angular receives updates every six months and is backed by Google’s Long-Term Support (LTS), ensuring your application remains functional and up-to-date for years to come. This transition allows for ongoing adaptability to new requirements without needing to rebuild from the ground up.
  • Dealing with scalability issues: If your current application is struggling to scale, Angular's modular architecture offers a solution. By leveraging reusable and independent data components, we can facilitate quick and efficient growth of your system.
2. Enhancing technical performance
  • Mitigating performance bottlenecks and unexpected errors: Angular can dramatically improve application performance. Utilizing Web Workers for background processing and server-side rendering enhances page load speeds. Additionally, TypeScript's early error detection contributes to a smoother and more reliable application experience by catching issues before they escalate.
  • Improving user experience affected by performance problems: Angular’s support for Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation ensures that your application runs swiftly and reliably, delivering a user experience that feels fast and native-like.
3. Reducing technological expenses
  • Reducing dependence on paid third-party tools: Angular includes a comprehensive suite of built-in tools, such as the Command Line Interface (CLI) and Integrated Development Environment (IDE). These tools streamline the development process and reduce the need for expensive third-party software.
  • Optimizing resource use by avoiding rebuilding from scratch: Angular Material UI offers a pre-designed kit that allows for rapid, user-centric design implementation. By adding separate modules rather than starting from scratch, we can deliver polished products more efficiently.

“Migrating from AngularJS to Angular ensures your application remains modern, scalable, and high-performing while also optimizing costs and resources. This migration is ideal if your goals include long-term technological and business advancements, performance optimization, and cost efficiency.”

Andrei Zhukouski
Chief Strategy Officer
Andrei  Zhukouski
Unsure if migration is right for you? Schedule a call with Andrei for a detailed assessment of your situation.
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Preparation and setting up the upgrade plan

Migrating from AngularJS to a modern version of Angular is a significant undertaking that requires careful preparation and planning. This process can impact service delivery, especially if the application is crucial to your operations. A sound migration plan will help ensure the success of this transition. The following steps outline the key aspects of preparing for and setting up your migration plan.

1. Assess the current application

  • Conduct a thorough assessment of your existing AngularJS application to understand its structure, dependencies, and overall size. This will help you identify the scope of the migration and any potential challenges.
  • Identify critical components, services, and directives that need to be migrated first. Understanding which parts of your application are most essential will help prioritize the migration tasks.

2. Create a migration plan

  • Develop a comprehensive migration plan that includes a detailed timeline and resource allocation. This plan should outline the steps required for the migration, assign responsibilities to team members, and set realistic deadlines.
  • Ensure that your plan includes time for testing and validation to maintain application stability throughout the migration process.

3. Set up TypeScript.

  • Use the @types/angular package to enable TypeScript interoperability with your existing JavaScript code. This package provides type definitions for AngularJS, allowing you to gradually introduce TypeScript into your project.
  • Integrate TypeScript modules and use the TypeScript Compiler to achieve seamless integration between AngularJS and TypeScript. This will help you catch potential errors early and improve code quality.

4. Use the ngUpgrade toolkit to enable coexistence of both frameworks.

  • The ngUpgrade toolkit allows AngularJS and Angular to coexist in the same application, enabling you to gradually update components and services.
  • This toolkit simplifies the migration process by allowing you to operate with AngularJS and Angular simultaneously, reducing the risk of disruptions.

5. Transfer services and components.

  • Use the downgrade components feature to make Angular components available within the AngularJS part of your project. This enables you to start using Angular components without waiting for the entire migration to complete.
  • Rewrite specific sections of your code to ensure compatibility and a seamless transition to the latest version of Angular. This step may involve refactoring existing AngularJS services and components to align with Angular standards.

6. Utilize UI-Router to ensure efficient navigation.

  • Use ngUpgrade to support routing seamlessly by default, facilitating a trouble-free transition.
  • Consider utilizing the UI-Router to ensure efficient navigation and migration of your application’s routes. This will help maintain a consistent user experience during the migration process.

How to migrate AngularJS to Angular, step by step

Migrating an AngularJS application to the latest version of Angular involves several key steps. Below is an outline of the process we follow to ensure a successful transition.

This guide provides a general framework for migration. Each project has its unique environment, input data, and constraints, so we tailor the process to meet your specific requirements.

Step 1
Set up Angular environment

1. Update Node.js and npm: Ensure you have the latest stable versions of Node.js and npm installed.

2. Install the Angular CLI globally using:

npm install -g @angular/cli

3. Create a new Angular project using the Angular CLI:

ng new my-angular-app

Step 2
Run the AngularJS and Angular side by side.

1. Set up hybrid environment. Install necessary dependencies for running AngularJS and Angular together:

npm install angular @angular/upgrade @angular/upgrade/static

2. Bootstrap AngularJS and Angular together. Modify main.ts to bootstrap both frameworks:

import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
import { AppModule } from './app/app.module';
import { downgradeModule } from '@angular/upgrade/static';
declare var angular: angular.IAngularStatic;
angular.module('legacyApp', [])
.directive('appRoot', downgradeComponent({ component: AppComponent }) as angular.IDirectiveFactory);
.catch(err => console.error(err));

Step 3
Migrate components

1. Identify components to migrate:

  • Start with simple, reusable components.
  • Migrate one component at a time to avoid breaking changes.

2. Migrate the component. 

  • Create the Angular component using Angular CLI:

ng generate component my-component

  • Copy the HTML, CSS, and logic from the AngularJS component to the Angular component.
  • Downgrade the Angular component to use it in AngularJS:

import { downgradeComponent } from '@angular/upgrade/static';
import { MyComponent } from './my-component/my-component.component';
.directive('myComponent', downgradeComponent({ component: MyComponent }) as angular.IDirectiveFactory);

Step 4
Migrate services

1. Identify services to migrate:some text

  • Start with standalone services that have minimal dependencies.

2. Migrate the service.

  • Create the Angular service:

ng generate service my-service

  • Copy the logic from the AngularJS service to the Angular service.
  • Downgrade the Angular service to use it in AngularJS:

import { downgradeInjectable } from '@angular/upgrade/static';
import { MyService } from './my-service.service';
.factory('myService', downgradeInjectable(MyService));

Step 5
Migrate routing

1. Set up Angular routing: Define routes in Angular using RouterModule in app-routing.module.ts.

2. Gradually migrate routes:some text

  • Migrate routes one by one from AngularJS to Angular.
  • Use ngRoute in AngularJS and RouterModule in Angular for handling routes during the transition.
Step 6
Migrate directives and pipes

1. Migrate directives:some text

  • Create Angular directives to replace AngularJS directives.
  • Downgrade the new Angular directives for use in AngularJS.

2. Migrate filters to pipes: Create Angular pipes to replace AngularJS filters.

Step 7
Conduct testing

1. Unit testing: Write unit tests for each migrated component, service, and directive using Jasmine and Karma.

2. Integration testing: Perform integration tests to ensure that AngularJS and Angular components work together seamlessly.

3. End-to-end testing: Use Protractor for end-to-end testing to verify the application's functionality from a user perspective.

Step 8
Clean up and finally migrate

1. Remove AngularJS dependencies: Once all components, services, and routes are migrated, remove AngularJS dependencies.

2. Finalize bootstrap: Update main.ts to bootstrap the Angular application only.

3. Refactor and optimize:some text

  • Refactor the Angular application for better performance and maintainability.
  • Optimize the application by following Angular best practices.
Step 9

1. Build the application: Build the Angular application using the Angular CLI:

ng build --prod

2. Deploy to production: Deploy the built application to the production server.

For a smooth migration of your AngularJS app, hire TYMIQ’s dedicated team. Our Angular experts will review your software, including its size and functionality, and create a detailed migration plan to move from AngularJS to Angular.
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Challenges and solutions in migrating large applications from AngularJS to Angular

Migrating a large application from AngularJS to Angular can be a complex process, but addressing common challenges with effective solutions can ensure a smooth transition. Here are some of the primary challenges and their corresponding solutions:

1. Complexity of the existing codebase

Challenge: Large AngularJS applications often have complex, intertwined codebases with numerous dependencies and custom directives. Migrating this code to Angular's component-based architecture can be daunting.

Solution: Start with a thorough audit of the existing codebase to identify key components, services, and dependencies. Use Angular's upgrade tools and practices, such as ngUpgrade, which allows you to run AngularJS and Angular code side-by-side. Gradually refactor and replace AngularJS components with Angular equivalents, focusing on one section at a time to manage complexity.

2. Handling state management

Challenge: AngularJS and Angular handle state management differently. Migrating the state management logic can be tricky, especially if your application uses custom solutions or libraries.

Solution: Implement Angular's built-in state management tools and patterns, such as Angular Services and NgRx for more complex state management needs. Start by mapping out the existing state management approach in AngularJS and then adapt it to Angular's approach, testing thoroughly to ensure consistency and correctness.

3. Differences in dependency injection

Challenge: AngularJS and Angular have different dependency injection systems, which can cause issues when migrating services and components.

Solution: Refactor AngularJS services to Angular's dependency injection system, which is more advanced and modular. Take advantage of Angular's hierarchical injectors and Dependency Injection (DI) framework to better manage service dependencies and ensure smooth integration.

4. Performance optimization

Challenge: Ensuring that the migrated application performs well is crucial, as AngularJS might have performance optimizations that differ from those in Angular.

Solution: Leverage Angular’s performance optimization features, such as Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation, tree shaking, and lazy loading. Use Angular's Change Detection strategy and track performance with tools like Angular DevTools to identify and address any bottlenecks.

5. Training and skill gaps

Challenge: Developers accustomed to AngularJS might need training to become proficient with Angular's new features and TypeScript.

Solution: Invest in training and upskilling for your development team. Provide access to Angular tutorials, workshops, and documentation to help them get up to speed. Encourage pair programming and knowledge sharing within the team to accelerate the learning process.

6. Testing and quality assurance

Challenge: Ensuring that the migrated application maintains its quality and reliability can be challenging, especially with significant code changes.

Solution: Develop a comprehensive testing strategy that includes unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests. Use Angular's testing tools, such as Jasmine and Karma, to write and run tests. Implement continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipelines to automate testing and catch issues early.

Migrating legacy systems with modern technology may cause complexities. Discover how to navigate common challenges and avoid pitfalls. Legacy system modernization guide

Consider TYMIQ as your migration partner

AngularJS is becoming obsolete, making the transition to Angular inevitable due to its numerous advantages. The real question isn't if you should migrate, but when and how to do it. Upgrading from AngularJS to Angular is essential if you want your application to perform better, run faster, and allow for easier feature implementation.

TYMIQ provides smooth AngularJS to Angular migration services, using a systematic method to transition your applications to the latest Angular framework. By leveraging ngUpgrade, we ensure minimal disruption, maintain hybrid codebases, and progressively refactor components to achieve improved performance, security, and maintainability.

Contact TYMIQ for assistance in moving from AngularJS to Angular, thus ensuring your application stays ahead with the latest technology advancements.

Explore the comprehensive process of migrating from AngularJS to Angular.

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