Workshop on software architecture

August 9, 2023
Workshop on software architecture
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At TYMIQ, we regularly arrange workshops inside the team or with invited guests, for the employees to share expertise, master their skills, and together discuss actual IT matters.

On March 22, 2023, our team gathered online to learn how to make the right architectural decisions from our constant guest Andrei Shakirin, Software Architect at VMWare Tanzu Labs. The main purpose of the workshop was to consider the basic architectural principles and the ways of how to build a better architecture that would cover the project requirements and evolve in the future. 

The discussion was based on the real case studies from Andrei’s experience. Together, the participants analyzed where wrong, missing, or over-sophisticated architectural decisions could really hurt the development teams. 

The agenda of the workshop included the following topics: 

1️. Painful sharing: Do shared modules increase reusability, or will be the source of problems?

2️. Microservices as a solution to every problem!

3️. Non-extensible extensibility: Too sophisticated configuration hurts.

4️. Over fine-grained: Incorrect splitting to microservices can make life even harder than with a monolith. 

5️. Convey horizontal split: How organizational driven split can jeopardize the architecture.

6️. Model driven: Central responsibility blocks and limits the team.

7️. Cargo cult: Blindly following patterns and rules can produce an unmaintainable system.

8️. Freestyle architecture: What happens if teams completely ignore architecture.

9️. Improve with less intelligence: Smart endpoint and dumb pipes.

The workshop consisted of two parts. During the first part, Andrei with the team reviewed five case studies and discussed all the pros and cons of each architectural decision. You can watch the recording of the first part of the workshop by the link below:

The second part of the workshop took place a week later and finalized the discussion of the remaining case studies. The recording of the second part is also available on our YouTube channel: 

If you are interested to participate in our future workshops, stay tuned for our updates in the News blog on our website, or follow us on LinkedIn.

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